Pre-Enrollment Open Now

You’re an unstoppable powerhouse driven not just by achievements, but by redefining what's possible.

It’s time to ditch the rollercoaster ride of high cash months to no cash months and put an end to the overwork and overwhelm so you can operate as a wealthy & aligned® CEO who has it all. 

You have an insatiable desire for growth and now…. you’re ready to claim your role as the wealthy and aligned® CEO.

But Your Million-Dollar Brand isn’t built by doing more…

Does this sound familiar?

You can’t seem to take a break from your business because it cannot run without you so you’re managing your days as the one who wears all the hats which becomes exhausting 😮‍💨 and leaves you little to no time to focus on being the visionary CEO who pushes the business to grow.

It’s why you’ve hit a plateau and seem to bounce between a high cash month and low cash months. 

But you’re proactive. You’ve tried hiring more team members, and thought of playing with ads or building a course for recurring “passive” income….

Your next-level CEO self knows what to pour her energy into and how to manage her energy to sustain a baseline income while increasing revenue month after month without sacrificing free time, family time, or self-care routines.

In fact, this CEO energy only ADDS to her life in ways she couldn’t dream of before. 

Have you ever thought to yourself?

“I just need to get MORE done to grow”

“I need to be overbooked with clients to have the cashflow I want”

“I have to hire an ads team in order to sign more clients”

“I can’t take a break because my business can’t run without me”

These beliefs are exhausting and a major barrier to truly stepping into the role of a true, limitless CEO in your business.

If you’re feeling like a multi-six-figure year is out of reach because you have so much to learn before you can replace your current income…

If you’re feeling boxed in by the messaging that tells you the way to scale your business is by creating courses, or becoming a teacher instead of honing in on your gifts as a CEO…  

If you’re feeling like you’ve been hiding your spiritual gifts, talent, or undervaluing your mastery for far too long…

I'm here to show you another way.

The LIMITLESS CEO is one who

Leads from the front as the visionary working ON the business instead of stuck working IN the business. 

Is one who can identify when she’s ‘off course’ and re-aligns on a dime to see quantum growth.

She is one who knows how to make high-level decisions, show up, and leads her team regardless of external circumstances.

The LIMITLESS CEO is able break through their own glass ceilings over and over again because she knows what to do, why she’s doing it, who to hire and when. 

Deep down you have a fire within you that yearns to be the CEO of a company, NOT an employee in it. 

We’re breaking the 9-5 you accidentally created for yourself in your business and putting you at the top as the leader and visionary of a multi 6 figure business. 

& courses won’t cut it.

You know this next chapter requires guidance from a dedicated team of support as you calibrate to this new level of leadership and operate with a strategic vision that has a ripple effect on every area of your life.

My mission in the Inner Circle Mastermind is to coach you with unwavering commitment to your goals, complete honesty, and focused intention.

We'll use proven strategies, the support of my team, Human Design, and profound insights to navigate your journey from where you are now to where you aspire to be, from who you’ve been to who you are evolving into

My purpose is to give you the keys so you can unlock the doors to YOUR Wealthy & Aligned® Life.

This is where mentorship, tools, and the right team of support become crucial for a visionary woman to break free from the cycle and accelerate success.

The Inner Circle Mastermind is an investment in yourself that delivers lifelong dividends. 

The Inner Circle Mastermind is a six-month immersive journey

Providing the space and guidance needed to explore all facets of your growth. As you navigate the ebbs and flows of life and business, this mastermind serves as your anchor and home base, helping you transition into your true role as a limitless CEO and scale your business to unprecedented levels.

Join us to thrive as the complete CEO you are meant to be, regain confidence, leverage your innate strengths, master leadership, expand your capacity to enjoy life and watch your business make quantum leaps in revenue as a result.

My purpose is to give you the keys so you can unlock the doors to YOUR Wealthy & Aligned® Life.

This is where mentorship, tools, and the right team of support become crucial for a visionary woman to break free from the cycle and accelerate success.

The Inner Circle Mastermind is an investment in yourself that delivers lifelong dividends. 

Are you ready to step up and see if you're a fit for the Inner Circle Mastermind?

But we know talk can be cheap.

Don’t take it from me…. These women were just like you. Ready and yearning to be the one who has it all. They took the leap and after 6 months, they don’t even recognize the person they once were…


You don’t need 5 more years before you can take off in your own business...

You don’t need more certificates to be the GO-TO person in your industry who operates with integrity

You don't have to follow the crowd to create a thriving business.

And you don’t need to shy away from the path of wealth & impact you’re here to make

You don't need a big team or to make your entire life about business.....

Here's why I know this is true:

I grew Wealthy & Aligned® to the 1 Million mark on my own while healing my family relationships and creating a thriving personal life.

We have a 95% success rate with clients who have just started or have been in business for 10 years. We have women from all different backgrounds running brick-and-mortar businesses, online business, operating as a consultants, and authors, to name a few.

Hear From Our Inner Circle Alumni


6 / 2 - Emotional Manifesting Generator


5 / 1 - Splenic Projector


4 / 6 - Sacral Generator


1 / 4 - Emotional Projector


1 / 4 - Emotional Generator

If you envision a profitable, multi-six-figure business supported by an A-team, and potent strategies that nurture your peace and creative spirit… then this mastermind was made for you.

What’s Included:

A realm where a new, bold vision for the future creates the energetically sound business strategy that brings the “impossible” to life. 

Meet the team you’ll lock arms with for the next 6 months to transform your business your LIFE, and your bank account (of course)


You'll be supported by Noah Eyman, tech guru, and funnel strategies  

YOU'LL BE LED BY Danielle Eyman, Founder of Wealthy & Aligned® a 7 figure Coaching business 

You'll be guided by Nora, our OBM, copywriter and content strategist.

We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, nor do we separate your business from who YOU are. Your business flourishes within the framework of your life—whether it's leaving your corporate job, writing your first book, finally remodeling your home, purchasing a home for your parents, enjoying moments like making sourdough bread with your children while sales continue to roll in, or rediscovering love in relationships while mastering your role as a CEO.

The Inner Circle Mastermind is designed for the WHOLE woman.

We blend the Woo and the Work to generate Wealth

Pre-Enrollment is OPEN NOW for my Inner Circle + Private Coaching Mastermind

This is for you if you’re a coach or Spiritual entrepreneur looking to go from income rollercoasters and sales burnout to:

🤑 A sustainable business model that reliably offers high ticket months on repeat.

🥳 A weekly calendar filled with only the things that bring you income or joy.

🤩 Smooth business operations with A-team players all around.

😍 Deeply gratifying client practice filled with raving fans that fuels the Soul.

All while maintaining harmony inside your family unit.

Listen, we have a 95% success rate so, in order to be considered for this room, please apply at the link and reserve your spot to speak with me directly. I want to make sure this is a PERFECT fit for us both!

Because we are carefully considering each applicant, please make sure to fill out the questions thoroughly.

At this time we are only accepting women who are full time in their business and have made at least

$20K in the last 12 months.

Is it your turn?

Here’s What 6 Months Looks Like in the Inner Circle...

💫 In July, we come together and outline your brand vision; find the subconscious why and drive and connect you with your Wealth Energy to find a roadmap into that vision.

💫 We meet both privately and in a highly curated intimate room with family oriented expansive women like you for 6 months strong.

💫 We increase your income and impact without compromising your life in any way.

After being in high level masterminds and hosting my own, I know what works.

A Wealth Energy success story requires both life and business to operate in alignment.

In this container we do both.


✅ Meeting with Danielle 2x a month privately to help with squirrel syndrome and to keep the fire under your Soul for 6 months strong.

✅ Meeting with our Social Media & Branding expert 1x a month

to collaborate and refine your content and marketing message.

✅ A DWY Funnel system installed into your brand

so your Soul mate clients can find you and pay you while you sleep.

✅ An in person Mastermind Retreat (optional)

If you don't want to be held accountable to your bigger dream, raise your personal power and become the self led CEO that commands money when she wants- this room is not for you.

Let’s Break it Down:

Milestone 1: Your Vision

💜 Getting crystal clear on how your energetic design supports your business model, offers and marketing.

💜 Aligned Decision Making; We make decisions on your business plan, offer suite and pricing structures. We set up your aligned sales process and marketing message according to your design.

💜 Roadmap; We get clear on a roadmap for the vision to come to life over 3 years and break down what is needed to focus on over 6 months.

We open your own private Slack channel where you will have access to Danielle and her team to stay in constant communication around the decisions we have made above.

Milestone 2:

Done With You Magnetic Lead Generation

💥 We will work with you to set up your lead generation funnel complete with lead magnet, social media profiles and content creation strategy so you can start attracting Soul mate clients with ease.

Done With You Social Media Content and Branding Strategy

💥 Meet monthly with our Social Media expert to create and plan your highly magnetic content and brand.

💥 We set you up with our SM and content systems to ensure your content is on fire ready to go consistently.

Milestone 2-6: Implementation & De-Conditioning

🔥 Meet twice a month privately with Danielle and once a month with the mastermind group to keep you focused and motivated as we follow through on the vision and decisions needed to execute the plan in place.

🔥 This is where we will raise your capacity for more and work with the Inner Child and get her on board with your bigger vision.

🔥 We will trouble shoot marketing and sales strategies as your magnetism starts pulling in people who are ready to pay you. Think google docs, real time edits, call adits, and energy strategy

🔥 Let’s use the PAIED Method™ to keep you in Wealth Energy frequency as you move through your week and take action.

🔥 Once a month you will meet with our Social Media expert to assess and align your positioning and branding consistently.

🔥 We will navigate next steps, hires and updating marking as your offers start to take off.

Milestone 3: Inner Circle LIVE Event

✨ We will gather together in sunny Southern California for 2 days of Wealth Energy work to amplify your high frequency expression and solidify your alignment journey as you become the leader and CEO of your magnetic brand movement.

✨ Branding shoot with high frequency brand photos you can add to your collection for website and landing pages.

✨ Live event is not required but highly encouraged (Last round we all had so much fun together!)

All of this ensures you have a business that will continue to work as a solid income stream while you stay in the vision of your dreams all along the way.

Surprise! Also Including:

😍 6 months VIP access to the The Alignment Academy; a community of like minded spiritual Soul led entrepreneurs to network with and collaborate with. Instant access to all classroom modules (no waiting for credits to unlock). Access to ALL live calls. ($5328 Value)

😍 Access to the High Frequency Formula including all masterclasses past and present; the formula of Wealth Energy for a deeper embodiment of using Human Design to bust through money plateaus, conditioning and the “how to” for creating business prosperity with purpose. ($3K Value)

😍 The Aura Accelerator; a course outlining the Story of the Soul through Human Design and the Gene Keys giving you step by step instructions on how to incorporate using Human Design in your business. ($2K Value)

I am locking arms with

the women who are ready.

💥 Ready to bust past income plateaus with a new found fire under her mission.

💥 Ready to step into higher cash months because their is no other option.

💥 Ready to lock in courageous decision making and command a level of self led trust that has been waiting.

Within the Inner Circle Mastermind, your active participation in our live calls and sessions allows my team and me to deeply understand you and your business which gives us an insightful EDGE that other programs don’t offer.

Meet the “new you”

The high-performing leader without limits.

Apply Now

May you always be Wealthy & Aligned®

Hi, I'm Danielle...

As a retired Registered Nurse, my journey into the world of entrepreneurship was ignited by the transformative power of Human Design. Leveraging the insights from the HD chart, I was able to scale my business to an impressive $1.2 million in just 18 months. This success wasn't a one-time phenomenon; it's a milestone I've consistently achieved year after year, even with a modest following.

What truly sets my approach apart is the focus on sustainable growth. My clients have experienced significant income increases, all without the dreaded burnout. By tapping into the unique strategies revealed by their Human Design chart, they've attracted high-quality clients who not only align with their offerings but are also eager to invest in their vision.

My relationship with my clients is built on trust and results, as evidenced by an above-industry-standard re-sign rate. People don't just find me; they choose to return, time and again, for the value and transformation they experience. LLC | Copyright ©2020 | All Rights Reserved

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